News and views on a variety of issues related to the substantive criminal law in the U.S., both state and federal. (See "WHAT IS SUBSTANTIVE CRIMINAL LAW")
By Dr. Ray Kessler, who is, incidentally, a retired Prof. of Criminal Justice, former defense attorney and prosecutor is your host. I am also a part-time instructor in Criminal Justice at Richland College, an outstanding, 2-year institution in Dallas.
Note that I do NOT select the ads.
First Amendment freedom of speech limits the creation and application of substantive criminal law. See this controversial case of a Maryland Imam.
But in the last two years, Imam Bengharsa’s public pronouncements have taken a dark turn. On Facebook, he has openly endorsed the Islamic State, posted gruesome videos showing ISIS fighters beheading and burning alive their enemies and praised terrorist attacks overseas. The “Islamic Jurisprudence Center” website he set up last year has condemned American mosques as un-Islamic and declared that homosexual acts should be punished by death.
Sebastian GregersonCredit Midland County Sheriff's Office, via Associated Press
That is not all." See the link for more details."The case poses in a striking way the dilemma for the F.B.I. in deciding when constitutionally protected speech crosses into inciting violence or conspiring to commit a terrorist act.'